1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor....

İletiTarih: 27.01.2006, 13:15
PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor.... bole birsey varmi. yapabilirmiyim..... olmazsa benim 2.0.18'in db sini plus a falan alsam orda portal kurabilirmiyim..... cevaplariniz icin simdiden tesekkurler......

NOT: cevap yazdiginizda 20.18 icin portal varsa linkini verirseniz sevinirim.

İletiTarih: 27.01.2006, 23:28
phpbb yi sonradan portala çevirmek içni bir çok portal sistemi var.

ezPortal bunların en çok bilineninden:

bunun dışında imPortal var:

bunları bi incele istersen..

İletiTarih: 28.01.2006, 02:07
bide 2.0.19 a geçsen ii edersin derim bi kaç gün sonra seni güvenlik forumunda abii sitemi hacklediler diye mesaj yazmanı istemem açıkcası


İletiTarih: 28.01.2006, 14:13
Tamam 2.0.19'a geceyim yanliz bana forum+portal+turkce olacak elinizde link varsa bunlar için sevinirim..... Kolay Gele

Cvp: PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor....

İletiTarih: 29.01.2006, 12:03
Arkadaslar forum tamam 2.0.19 kurdum ama portali nasil kuracagim bunun icin bana biraz yardimci olurmusunuz..... portal kurulumundan anlamiyorum ne yazikki ... Tesekkurler

bana da lazım

İletiTarih: 03.02.2006, 15:02
valla ban da lazım cevap var mı?

Cvp: PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor....

İletiTarih: 25.03.2006, 21:32
http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download.php?id=694 burdan indirin içinde anlatıyo yalnız ingilizce ve sadece phpbb 2.0.4 için arkadaşlar

Cvp: PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor....

İletiTarih: 14.04.2006, 19:41
Merhabalar ben IM portalı kurdum ancak sql ayarlarını yapıp table oluşturun diyor.
Nasıl oluşturulur ve ne yapmam gerekiyor?

Kod: Tümünü seç
phpBB : Kritik Hata

Could not query portal config table


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'nighthalzen_uk_db.phpbb_portal_config' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM phpbb_portal_config

Line : 47
File : functions_portal.php

Gelen uyarı bu. Sql dosyasında anlatılanlardan pek birşey anlamadım. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim :(

Cvp: PhpBB 2.0.18'e portal kurmam gerekiyor....

İletiTarih: 14.02.2007, 15:40
üstat http://www.sitenizinadresi.com/cpanel yazıp cpanele girin.

oradan Phpmyadmin i bulun oraya girdikten sonra Sql yazan bı yer gorursunuz oraya tıklayın cıkan bosluga asagıda verdıgım seyı yapıstırın git(go) dediğinizde sorguyu calıstıracaktır.

ama portalı yuklemeden bu kodu calıstırmanız onerılır.


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_block_position;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_block_position (
bpid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
pkey varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
bposition char(1) NOT NULL default '',
layout int(10) NOT NULL default '1',

INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (1, 'header', '@', 0);
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (2, 'footer', '*', 0);
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (3, 'right', 'r', 1);
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (4, 'center', 'c', 1);
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (5, 'center', 'c', 2);
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_position VALUES (6, 'center', 'c', 3);

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_block_variable;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_block_variable (
bvid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
label varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
sub_label varchar(255) default NULL,
config_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
field_options varchar(255) default NULL,
field_values varchar(255) default NULL,
type tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
block varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (config_name),
KEY bvid (bvid)

INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (1, 'Number of news on portal', '', 'md_num_news', '', '', 1, 'forum');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (2, 'Length of news', 'Number of characters displayed', 'md_news_length', '', '', 1, 'forum');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (3, 'Poll Bar Length', 'decrease/increase the value for 1 vote bar length', 'md_poll_bar_length', '', '', 1, 'poll');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (4, 'News Forum ID(s)', 'comma delimited', 'md_news_forum_id', '', '', 1, 'forum');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (5, 'Poll Forum ID(s)', 'comma delimited', 'md_poll_forum_id', '', '', 1, 'poll');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (6, 'Number of recent topics', 'number of topics displayed', 'md_num_recent_topics', '', '', 1, 'recent_topics');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (7, 'Approve MOD installed?', 'tick if Approve MOD is installed', 'md_approve_mod_installed', '', '', 4, 'recent_topics');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (8, 'Recent Topics Style', 'choose static display or scrolling display', 'md_recent_topics_style', 'Scroll,Static', '1,0', 3, 'recent_topics');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (9, 'Search option text', 'Text displayed as the default option', 'md_search_option_text', '', '', 1, 'search');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (10, 'Header width', 'Width of forum-wide left column in pixels', 'header_width', '', '', 1, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (11, 'Footer width', 'Width of forum-wide right column in pixels', 'footer_width', '', '', 1, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (12, 'Cache File Locking', 'can avoid cache corruption under bad circumstances', 'md_cache_file_locking', '', '', 4, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (13, 'Cache Write Control', 'detect some corrupt cache files', 'md_cache_write_control', '', '', 4, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (14, 'Cache Read Control', 'a control key is embeded in cache file', 'md_cache_read_control', '', '', 4, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (15, 'Cache Read Control Type', 'Type of read control (only if read control is enabled)', 'md_cache_read_type', 'md5 hash control, crc32 hash control, length only test', 'md5,crc32,strlen', 2, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (16, 'Cache File Name Protection', '', 'md_cache_filename_protect', '', '', 4, '@Portal Config');
INSERT INTO phpbb_block_variable VALUES (17, 'Cache Automatic Serialization', 'Enable / disable automatic serialization', 'md_cache_serialize', '', '', 4, '@Portal Config');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_blocks;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_blocks (
bid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
title varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
content text NOT NULL,
bposition char(1) NOT NULL default '',
weight int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
blockfile varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
view tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
layout int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
cache tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
cache_time int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
block_bbcode_uid varchar(10) default NULL,
type tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
border tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
titlebar tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
background tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
local tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
groups tinytext NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (1, 'Board Navigation', '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align="left"><span class="genmed" style="line-height: 150%">\r\n<a href="portal.php">Home</a><br />\r\n<a href="index.php">Forum</a><br />\r\n<a href="memberlist.php">Memberlist</a><br />\r\n<a href="faq.php">FAQ</a><br />\r\n<a href="search.php">Search</a><br />\r\n</span></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>', '@', 2, 1, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (2, 'Statistics', '', 'r', 3, 1, 'blocks_imp_statistics', 0, 1, 1, 43200, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '5');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (3, 'Links', '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td class="row1" align="center"><a href="http://phpbbintegramod.sourceforge.net" target="_blank" class="gen">IntegraMOD</a></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>', 'r', 2, 1, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (4, 'Welcome to IM Portal', '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td align="center"><span class="gen">\r\nWelcome to IM Portal<br /><br />For questions, comments and suggestions, please visit <a href="http://www.integramod.com">IntegraMOD</a>\r\n</span>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>', 'c', 2, 1, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (5, 'News', '', 'c', 3, 1, 'blocks_imp_forum', 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (6, 'User Block', '', '@', 3, 1, 'blocks_imp_user_block', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (7, 'Who is Online', '', '@', 4, 1, 'blocks_imp_online_users', 0, 0, 1, 300, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (8, 'Poll', 'hkghk', 'r', 4, 1, 'blocks_imp_poll', 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (9, 'Recent Topics', '', 'r', 1, 1, 'blocks_imp_recent_topics', 0, 1, 1, 300, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (10, 'Search', '', '@', 5, 1, 'blocks_imp_search', 0, 0, 1, 1000000000, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (11, 'sample block', '[size=12:81ef439b94][b:81ef439b94][color=red:81ef439b94]This is just a sample block[/color:81ef439b94][/b:81ef439b94] showing the capabilities of [b:81ef439b94][color=green:81ef439b94]IM Portal[/color:81ef439b94][/b:81ef439b94] with the use of BBCodes.[/size:81ef439b94] \r\n\r\n :lol: 8) :o :( \r\n[quote:81ef439b94]This version of IM Portal uses a multi-page feature to create more than one page for your portal. Try visiting this address: [b:81ef439b94]http://www.myforum.com/portal.php?page=2[/b:81ef439b94]. Replace www.myforum.com with the correct location[/quote:81ef439b94]The block below (Welcome to IM Portal) is an example of a block using HTML.', 'c', 1, 1, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, '81ef439b94', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (12, 'Sample 1', 'This page shows an example of the multi-page feature of IM Portal. This page also displays the forum-wide blocks.\r\n\r\n[code:1:82bdfbd9b5]Try to visit: http://www.myforum.com/portal.php?page=3[/code:1:82bdfbd9b5]', 'c', 1, 1, '', 0, 2, 0, 0, '82bdfbd9b5', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (13, 'Sample 6', 'This block also shows the [b:0c6a883c90][color=orange:0c6a883c90]multi-page feature of IM Portal[/color:0c6a883c90][/b:0c6a883c90]. But this time, it does not display the forum-wide blocks.\r\n\r\nYou can now proceed to the [b:0c6a883c90][color=blue:0c6a883c90]ACP[/color:0c6a883c90][/b:0c6a883c90] and delete the sample layouts/pages in the layout management page.', 'c', 1, 1, '', 0, 3, 0, 0, '0c6a883c90', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (14, 'News', '', 'c', 4, 1, 'blocks_imp_forum', 0, 3, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (15, 'Sample 2', 'This is the new feature of IM Portal which enables a block with the following options:[list:8466b58e05][*:8466b58e05]with or without titlebar\r\n[*:8466b58e05]with or without border\r\n[*:8466b58e05]with or without background[/list:u:8466b58e05]\r\nThis block is without a titlebar, border and background', 'c', 2, 1, '', 0, 2, 0, 0, '8466b58e05', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (16, 'Sample 3', 'Without titlebar only :o', 'c', 3, 1, '', 0, 2, 0, 0, '7e13fbbacc', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (17, 'Sample 4', 'Without background only :wink:', 'c', 4, 1, '', 0, 2, 0, 0, '5b8176554c', 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (18, 'Sample 5', 'Without border :arrow: :idea: :arrow:', 'c', 5, 1, '', 0, 2, 0, 0, 'ed31156971', 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (19, 'Sample 7', 'Take note that pages and blocks can have different permissions. There are 2 kinds of permissions to set, per user level and per usergroups. It is allowed to mix permissions but it is wise to set the user level to registered when usergroups are used (e.g. making a page only accessible for a specific usergroup) :wink:', 'c', 2, 1, '', 0, 3, 0, 0, '16703bc74c', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_blocks VALUES (20, 'Sample 8', 'To support localization for IM Portal, titlebars can also be localized so titles being displayed, instead of being retrieved from the database will be retrieved from the language files. This only applies for those blocks which has a language file. :shock: 8)', 'c', 3, 1, '', 0, 3, 0, 0, '48d2dd24ac', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, '');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_layout;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_layout (
lid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
template varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
forum_wide tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
view tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
groups tinytext NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO phpbb_layout VALUES (1, 'IM Portal Default', 'portal_body.tpl', 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_layout VALUES (2, 'Sample 1', 'layout1.tpl', 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_layout VALUES (3, 'Sample 2', 'layout1.tpl', 0, 0, '');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_portal_config;
CREATE TABLE phpbb_portal_config (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (1, 'default_portal', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (2, 'portal_header', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (3, 'portal_tail', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (4, 'cache_enabled', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (5, 'md_news_length', '250');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (6, 'md_news_forum_id', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (7, 'md_num_news', '5');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (8, 'md_search_option_text', 'IM Portal');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (9, 'md_num_recent_topics', '10');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (10, 'md_approve_mod_installed', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (11, 'md_recent_topics_style', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (12, 'md_poll_bar_length', '40');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (13, 'md_poll_forum_id', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (14, 'header_width', '150');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (15, 'footer_width', '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (16, 'md_cache_file_locking', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (17, 'md_cache_write_control', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (18, 'md_cache_read_control', '1');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (19, 'md_cache_read_type', 'md5');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (20, 'md_cache_filename_protect', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_portal_config VALUES (21, 'md_cache_serialize', '1');