1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

Jail ( Hapishane mod )

İletiTarih: 28.08.2006, 16:58
http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.ph ... light=jail


$lang['Cell_admin_title_explain']='Here you can imprison or free your users, and define their prison sentence or the amount of the pledge';
$lang['Cell_admin_select_user']='Select a user to imprison';
$lang['Cell_admin_select']='Imprison this user';
$lang['Cell_admin_time']='Prison sentence';
$lang['Cell_admin_time_explain']='Theses values represent the time during which the user will not be authorised access the forums';
$lang['Cell_admin_caution']='Pledge amount';
$lang['Cell_admin_caution_explain']='This is the amount of points the user has to pay to be freed. Set to 0 if you do not want to use this feature or if you do not use a point system on your forums';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_ok']='The selected user has been successfully imprisoned';
$lang['Cell_admin_uncelled_ok']='The selected users have been successfully released';
$lang['Cell_admin_general_return']='<br /><br /> Click <a href="'.append_sid("admin_cell.php").'">here</a> to return to the jail managament<br /><br />Click <a href="'.append_sid("index.php?pane=right").'">here</a> to return to the administration index';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_users']='Imprisoned users';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_time']='Remaining time';
$lang['Cell_admin_manual_update']='Update the prison sentences';
$lang['Cell_admin_manual_update_explain']='The update of the sentences is made while imprisoned users are connected to your forums. If a user has not come to your forums in a while, the values you see may be incorrect. Click on this button to correct this problem.';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_manual_update_ok']='Update of the prison sentences made successfully. The following users have been freed:<br />';
$lang['Cell_sentence_example']='You have been imprisoned because of offensive language';
$lang['Cell_sentence_explain']='This text will explain the detention reason to the user';

$lang['Cell_explain']='A site admin has been decided to imprison you. This will last';
$lang['Cell_time_explain']='Until this time, you will not be able to access these forums';
$lang['Cell_caution']='It is possible for you to be released from prison by paying a pledge to the sum of ';
$lang['Cell_caution_pay']='Pay the pledge';
$lang['Cell_free']='You have now been released from prison. Be careful not to return to it. <br /><br />Click <a href="'.append_sid("index.php").'">here</a> to go the forums index';

// Language keys added or modified for 0.1.0
$lang['Cell_celled_time']='Imprisonment duration';
$lang['Cell_judge_user']='Judge this user';
$lang['Cell_freeable']='Can be freed';
$lang['Cell_freeable_explain']='If you check this option, the others users will be able to judge this user';
$lang['Cell_cautionnable']='Pledge can be paid';
$lang['Cell_cautionnable_explain']='If you check this option, others users will be able to pay the pledge for this user';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_users_explain']='You can edit the imprisoned users by clicking on their name';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_edited_ok']='This user has been edited successfully';
$lang['Cell_selected_celled']='Selected user:';
$lang['Cell_judgement_none']='No users are actually imprisoned';
$lang['Cell_celled_list']='See the imprisonment history';
$lang['Cell_celled_date']='Imprisonment date';
$lang['Cell_freed_type']='Freed by';
$lang['Cell_judgement_never']='No users have been imprisoned yet';
$lang['Cell_freed_type_still']='This user is still imprisoned';
$lang['Cell_freed_type_time']='End of the detention period';
$lang['Cell_celled_list_history']='Imprisonment history';
$lang['Cell_imprisonments']='Total imprisonment';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_blank']='Clear this users imprisonment history';
$lang['Cell_admin_celled_blank_explain']='If you check this option, this users imprisonment history will be deleted';
$lang['Cell_admin_update_error']='Error during the update of the jail setting';
$lang['Cell_updated_return_settings']='The jail settings have been edited successfully. <br /><br />Click %shere%s to return to the jail management';
$lang['Cell_settings_explain']='Here you can edit the general settings of the jail system';
$lang['Cell_settings_bars']='Display the avatar of imprisoned users behind cell bars';
$lang['Cell_settings_celleds']='Display the total imprisonment number for this user on topics and in their profile';
$lang['Cell_settings_caution']='Allow users to pay the pledge for other users';
$lang['Cell_settings_judge']='Allow users to judge other users';
$lang['Cell_settings_blank']='Allow users to clear their police record';
$lang['Cell_settings_blank_sum']='Sum to pay to clear the individuals police record';
$lang['Cell_judgement_pay_sledge']='Pay the pledge';
$lang['Cell_lack_money']='You don\'t have enough points to perform this action';
$lang['Cell_sledge_paid']='This user\'s pledge has been successfully paid';
$lang['Cell_return']='Click %shere%s to return to the courthouse';
$lang['Cell_settings_voters']='Minimum number of votes in order to validate the judgement';
$lang['Cell_settings_posts']='Minimum number of posts the users must have to be authorised to vote';
$lang['Cell_caution_not_authed']='This user can\'t be freed by paying a pledge';
$lang['Cell_judgement_ever']='You have already judged this user';
$lang['Cell_judgement_explain']='Which is your judgement?';
$lang['Cell_judgement_not_authed']='You are not authorised to judge this user';
$lang['Cell_judgement_done']='Your judgement has been registered successfully';
$lang['Cell_blank_text']='You can clear your police record if you pay the sum of %s';
$lang['Cell_blank_explain']='Clear your police record';
$lang['Cell_blank_done']='Your police record have been cleared successfully';
$lang['Cell_judgement_ever_authed']='This user has been judged guilty';

// Language keys added or modified for 0.2.0
$lang['Cell_admin_punishment']='Select the actions forbidden for the user :';
$lang['Cell_admin_punishment_posts']='Post new messages';
$lang['Cell_admin_punishment_read']='Post and read messages';
$lang['Cell_punishment_posts']='Can\'t post new messages';
$lang['Cell_punishment_read']='Can\'t read or post messages';
$lang['Cell_time_explain_posts']='Until this time, you are not allowed to post new messages';
$lang['Cell_time_explain_read']='Until this time, you are not allowed to read or post messages';


İletiTarih: 28.08.2006, 21:41
nedir bu mod ne işe yarar biraz acıklama eklesenız mesajınızın basına

İletiTarih: 28.08.2006, 21:47
bir nevi süreli ban. kullanıcı hapishanede olduğu sürece foruma giremez ve eski gönderdiği mesajlardaki avatarı paramaklıklar arkasında gözükür. points mod kullanılıyorsa belirlenen ücret karşılığı (kefalet) süre bitiminden önce kullanıcı hapishaneden çıkabilir

İletiTarih: 30.08.2006, 20:24
bu modun türkçesini arıyorum varmıdır türkçe dil dosyası?

Cvp: Jail ( Hapishane mod )

İletiTarih: 30.08.2006, 22:01

Cvp: Jail ( Hapishane mod )

İletiTarih: 31.08.2006, 19:25
eyw. kardes cook sagol
dun uzun uzun aramıstım
tekrar cok sagOL