1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

[istek]## MOD Title: Effects Store for Shop 3.0.0

İletiTarih: 07.09.2006, 01:23
Kod: Tümünü seç
## MOD Title: Effects Store for Shop 3.0.0
## MOD Author: Thoul < thoul@phpbbsmith.com > ( Jeremy Rogers ) http://www.phpbbsmith.com
## MOD Description: Adds a special effects store to Shop 3.0.0.
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: Intermediate
## Installation Time: 10 Minutes
## Files To Edit:
##      admin/admin_shop.php,
##      viewtopic.php,
##      includes/usercp_register.php,
##      includes/usercp_viewprofile.php,
##      templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/profile_view_body.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/viewtopic_body.tpl
## Included Files:
##      install.php,
##      shop_effects.php,
##      mods/shopaddons/effects.php,
##      mods/shopaddons/colors.js,
##      templates/subSilver/shop/effects.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/shop/personal.tpl,
##      templates/subSilver/admin/shop_effects_config.tpl,
##      language/lang_english/lang_effects.php
## License: contrib/license.txt GNU General Public License v2

türkçesini bulamadım :S teşşekürler;)

Effects Store for Shop 3.0.0 - A phpBB Add-On
English language file for Effects Store
File Version: 1.0.0
Begun: July, 2006 Last Modified: August 20, 2006
Copyright 2006 by Jeremy Rogers. Please read the license.txt included
with the phpBB Add-On listed above for full license and copyright details.
Translated by:
You are free to translate this file into other languages for your
own use and to distribute translated versions according to the
terms of the license under which it is released. Add your name and
contact details in this area.>
contact details in this area.>
If you would like to add a message indicating you are the translator,
you may add it below. This will appear with the phpBB copyright and is
completely optional.
// $lang['TRANSLATION'] .= 'Your Name Here';

/* This file uses a format of:
'STRING_NAME' => 'text'
Never edit the STRING_NAME part. That is required to be unchanged.

$lang += array(
'EFFECTS_TITLE' => 'Special Effects Store',
'EFFECTS_EDIT' => 'Edit Effects Configuration',
'EFFECTS_EXPLAIN' => 'This area allows you to modify the configuration of the %1$s shop.',
'EFFECTS_ENABLE' => 'Enable the Effects Store?',
'EFFECTS_STORE_NAME' => 'Name of this shop:',
'EFFECTS_COST_EXPLAIN' => 'To disable the ability to buy an effect, enter a cost of 0 (zero) or leave the field blank.',
'EFFECTS_AVATAR' => 'Cost of Avatar ability:',
'EFFECTS_SIGNATURE' => 'Cost of Signature ability:',
'EFFECTS_EFFECT_TITLE' => 'Cost of Custom Title ability:',
'EFFECTS_RANK_REPLACE' => 'Cost of replacing rank with custom title?',
'EFFECTS_RANK_EXPLAIN' => 'This allows members to replace their normal rank title with the custom title. If purchased in combination with rank color, glow, or shadow, the other rank effects would be applied to the custom title.',
'EFFECTS_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows members to purchase the ability to use avatars. When enabled, avatars may be entered in Edit Profile but will not appear until the ability is purchased. If disabled, avatars are available as normal.',
'EFFECTS_SIGNATURE_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows members to purchase the ability to use signatures. When enabled, signatures may be entered in Edit Profile but will not appear until the ability is purchased. If disabled, signatures are available as normal.',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows members to purchase a new title for display in posts and profiles. This is not related to any other custom title features that may be installed. Word censors will be applied to custom titles.',
'EFFECTS_ADMIN_IMMUNE' => 'Allow admins to use signatures and avatars without purchase?',
'EFFECTS_MOD_IMMUNE' => 'Allow moderators to use signatures and avatars without purchase?',
'EFFECTS_NAME_COLOR' => 'Cost of Username Color ability:',
'EFFECTS_NAME_GLOW' => 'Cost of Username Glow ability:',
'EFFECTS_NAME_SHADOW' => 'Cost of Username Shadow ability:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_COLOR' => 'Cost of Rank Color ability:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_GLOW' => 'Cost of Rank Glow ability:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_SHADOW' => 'Cost of Rank Shadow ability:',
'EFFECTS_CONFIG_UPDATE' => 'Effects Configuration Updated Successfully!',
'EFFECTS_BACK_SHOP' => '<a href="%1$s">Return to Effect Store Configuration</a><br /><br /><a href="%2$s">Return to Main Shop Configuration</a>',
'EFFECTS_COLORS' => 'Name and Rank Colors',
'EFFECTS_PRIVS' => 'Privileges',
'EFFECTS_DISABLED' => 'The effects shop is currently disabled.',
'EFFECTS_PUBLIC_EXPLAIN' => 'In this shop, you may purchase special effects and forum privileges. If you would like to clear a color or title you have purchased, you can delete the value from the matching field and update the effect to clear it. In this case, you will have to buy the effect again if you want to use it later. There is no cost to update an effect you have bought previously (unless you clear an effect and seek to purchase it again later).<br /><br />Please note that glow and shadow effects are not supported by all web browsers. In other browsers, these effects will display as a background color.',
'EFFECTS_AVATAR_PUBLIC' => 'Privilege to use avatars:',
'EFFECTS_SIGNATURE_PUBLIC' => 'Privilege to use signatures:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_PUBLIC' => 'Custom Title:',
'EFFECTS_RANK_REPLACE_PUBLIC' => 'Replace rank with Custom Title:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_COLOR_PUBLIC' => 'Rank or Title Color:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_GLOW_PUBLIC' => 'Rank or Title Glow:',
'EFFECTS_TITLE_SHADOW_PUBLIC' => 'Rank or Title Shadow:',
'EFFECTS_COST' => 'Cost to Buy',
'EFFECTS_STATUS' => 'Status',
'EFFECTS_PURCHASE' => 'Purchase or Update Effects',
'EFFECTS_BUY' => 'Buy this Effect',
'EFFECTS_UPDATE' => 'Update this Effect',
'EFFECTS_PREVIEW' => 'Preview Color Effects',
'EFFECTS_OWN' => 'You have purchased this effect.',
'EFFECTS_ON' => 'On',
'EFFECTS_OFF' => 'Off',
'EFFECTS_BAD_COLOR_INPUT' => 'Color values must be in three letter or six letter RGB notation, such as 000000 or 000 for black and should not include a beginning # symbol.<br />Please go back and update your selections to use correct color values.',
'EFFECTS_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'One of the effects you selected to purchase or update has been disabled.<br />Please go back, reload the page, and update your selections.',
'EFFECTS_NOT_AFFORD' => 'You cannot afford the price of all the effects you have chosen!<br />Please go back and choose fewer effects or return when you have more money.',
'EFFECTS_BUY_BLANK' => 'You selected an effect to buy, but did not enter a value for the effect.<br />Please go back an enter a value for the effects you selected, if possible.',
'EFFECTS_UPDATED' => 'Your effects selections have been updated!',
'EFFECTS_RETURN' => '<br /><br />%1$sReturn to %4$s%3$s<br /><br />%2$sReturn to Shops%3$s'

Your %s has triggered our word censor feature. The portions of this field that triggered the censor are highlighted in the preview below. Please adjust it and attempt to update your effects again. If you require assistance or feel that the censor may be acting in error, please <a href="mailto:%s">contact us</a>. Thank you.

<p align="left">


İletiTarih: 07.09.2006, 05:08
pardon ne işe yarar bu?

İletiTarih: 15.10.2006, 18:34
çeviri kalıbına uymuyor.

Shop 3.0.0 modülü için özel efektler sağlıyor sanırım.

çeviri için Yeniden düzenlenmeli