[istek] Admin delete user with all postings

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[istek] Admin delete user with all postings

İleti Seth 22.09.2006, 00:33

Kod: Tümünü seç
## MOD Title: Admin delete user with all postings (from profile_view)
## MOD Author: Sergei Sekirin <sergei-vs@mail.ru>
## MOD Description: MOD enables admin to delete all user topics in these ways:
##                  1. Delete User only (his - her topics and posts stay on board)
##                  2. Delete User started topics and posts (even those of other users) in them
##                  3. Delete User and All his (her) postings from board
##                  All stats of forums, users and topics posts are resynced consecutively
## MOD Version: v.1.0.5

* lang_user_delete.php
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday, Feb 28, 2006
* copyright : (C) 2006 Sergei Sekirin
* email : sergei-vs@mail.ru
* Description: lang file for MOD - Admin delete user with all postings
* $Id: userdel.php, v 1.0.5 2006/08/18 sergei-vs Exp $

$lang['user_is_deleted'] = 'User %s succesfully deleted!';
$lang['user_with_topics_deleted'] = 'User %s and all his (her) topics succesfully deleted!';
$lang['user_deleted_with_all_postings'] = 'User %s and all his (her) postings succesfully deleted!';
$lang['only_user_postings_deleted'] = 'All postings of the User %s were succesfully deleted!';

$lang['User_topics_deletion'] = 'Deletion of User topics';
$lang['with_all_topics']= 'and all his (her) topics';
$lang['with_all_postings']= 'and all his (her) postings';
$lang['Moderator_not_deletable'] = 'Not allowed deletion of admins, moderators and anonymous users.';

$lang['You_sure'] = 'User published <b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts! <br><br>Are you sure to delete user <b>';
$lang['Sure_delete_only_postings'] = 'User published <b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts! <br><br> Are you sure to delete all postings of user <b>';

$lang['User_only'] = 'User only';
$lang['User_and_topics'] = 'User and his (her)topics';
$lang['User_and_all_postings'] = 'User with all postings';
$lang['User_stay_postings_delete'] = 'Only this User postings';

$lang['Deleted_u_topics'] = 'Deleted User started topics';
$lang['deleted_posts_in_user_topics'] = 'Posts Ids, deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_of_other_users_in_u_topics'] = 'Users, whose posts found and deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_deleted_posts_in_usertopics'] = 'Number of posts, deleted in User started topics';
$lang['num_of_deleted_user_topics'] = 'Total deleted User started topics';
$lang['num_forums_where_deleted_lastpost'] = 'Total forums, where last_post data resynced (as theirs posts were deleted)';
$lang['forums_with_new_last_posts'] = 'Forums, where last_post data resynced';
$lang['recynced_users_in_usertopics'] = 'Users, whose post counts recynced (as theirs posts were deleted in User started topics)';

$lang['deleted_posts_in_usertopics2'] = 'Deleted posts, where found this User posts and nothing else';
$lang['deleted_user_topics2'] = 'Deleted Topics, where found this User posts and nothing else';

$lang['all_other_uposts'] = 'Deleted user posts in other topics (the topics not to be deleted!)';
$lang['forums_with_new_last_posts_in_othertopics'] = 'Forums, where last_post data resynced after User posts in other topics were deleted';
$lang['No_other_uposts_in_other_topics']= 'Not found User posts in other topics';
$lang['topics_to_recync_first_or_lastpost'] = 'Topics, where last(or first)post data resynced (as theirs first-last posts were deleted)';

$lang['Simple_user_deletion'] = 'User deletion';
$lang['Resume_to_simple_user_deletion'] = '<b>%d</b> topics and <b>%d</b> posts of this User left on board after this User';

$lang['Click_return_to_authors'] = '%sBack to Memberlist%s';
$lang['Total'] = 'Total';

İleti: 3
Kayıt: 03.06.2006, 18:08
Konum: İstanbul

İleti sabri ünal 22.09.2006, 10:14

yogun olmasam gündeme alacaktım, yardımcı olamadığm için özür dilerim.
Mutluyum, biraz komedi takılıyorum! sakın kızmayın yakında geçer, sebebini ben de bilmiyorum! yeni bir aşk da bulmuş değilim!
Kullanıcı avatarı
sabri ünal
İleti: 1325
Kayıt: 27.10.2005, 15:49
Konum: İstanbul

İleti SaNaL_CiHaD 29.09.2006, 23:16

vaLLa modu kuLLanmadigim icin bazi ozeL yerLeri ingiLizce oLarak ne gosterdigini biLmiyorum eger %s Leri acikLarsaniz tr yapabiLirim....
İleti: 50
Kayıt: 16.09.2006, 13:20
Konum: İstanbul

İleti THE STILT 08.10.2006, 10:16

%s girdileri, bazı yerlerde değeri veritabanından alınan sayı ya da kelimeleri gösterir. Mesela,

Kod: Tümünü seç
Kullanıcının %s mesajı var

çevirisinde, %s değeri veritabanından alınan kullanıcının mesaj sayısını temsil eder.

Fakat bazı yerlerde de bir bağlantı adresinin başına ve sonuna koyulur. Örnek vermek gerekirse,

Kod: Tümünü seç
Pano anasayfasına dönmek için %sburaya%s tıklayın

çevirisinde, %s girdilerinin arasına gelen "buraya" kelimesi bir bağlantıdır.
Kullanıcı avatarı
İleti: 23
Kayıt: 06.10.2006, 10:18
Konum: İstanbul

İleti sabri ünal 12.10.2006, 15:19


ilgili istek yapılmış, başlığı böldüm..
Mutluyum, biraz komedi takılıyorum! sakın kızmayın yakında geçer, sebebini ben de bilmiyorum! yeni bir aşk da bulmuş değilim!
Kullanıcı avatarı
sabri ünal
İleti: 1325
Kayıt: 27.10.2005, 15:49
Konum: İstanbul


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