1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

Atlas mod

İletiTarih: 20.03.2006, 14:40
Bunu ceviriebilirmiisniz anacim
cok güzel mod bence


#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Atlas Mod
$lang['GMap'] = 'Map';
$lang['GMap_not_compatible'] = 'Your browser is not compatible with the map. Please use a recent version of Firefox/Mozilla, IE 5.5+ or Safari 1.2+.';
$lang['GMap_Please_log_in'] = '<strong>Please log in to see the users\' coordinates.</strong>';
$lang['GMap_called_offline'] = 'The Google API could not be called. Make sure that you call this page with an active online connection only.';
$lang['GMap_find_coordinates'] = 'Find your Coordinates';
$lang['GMap_find_coordinates_explain'] = 'Please locate your location on the map as close as possible and select <em>choose this as my location</em> from the context menu.';
$lang['GMap_set_this_location'] = 'set this as my location';
$lang['GMap_latitude'] = 'Latitude';
$lang['GMap_longitude'] = 'Longitude';
$lang['GMap_distance'] = 'Distance';
$lang['GMap_your_location'] = 'Your Location';
$lang['GMap_Distance_to_xyz'] = 'Distance to &ldquo;%s&rdquo;';
$lang['Atlas_Show_user_on_map'] = 'Please set your coordinates to be able to see your distance to %s.';
$lang['AtlasError_not_finished_install'] = 'The installation of Atlas Mod is not completed. Please return in a few minutes.<br /><br />If you are the administrator of this board, please finish the installation in the section Atlas Mod of the Admin Panel.';
$lang['AtlasError_wrong_xml_parameter'] = 'The wrong parameters were send to collect XML information.';

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# You may have to make similar changes as the following in other language files as well


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$lang['Login_reset_time_explain'] = 'Time in minutes the user have to wait until he is allowed to login again after exceeding the number of allowed login attempts.';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Atlas Mod
$lang['Atlas_Mod'] = 'Atlas MOD';
$lang['Atlas_Settings'] = 'Atlas Settings';
$lang['Atlas_Settings_explain'] = 'Here you can modify the appearance and behaviour of the user atlas of your forum.';
$lang['Atlas_Installation_explain'] = 'As a final step for installing Atlas MOD you need to obtain API keys from Google. To do this please visit <a href="http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html">http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html</a> and follow the instruction on the page. Please do not forget to read and understand the Terms of Service.';
$lang['Atlas_Installation'] = 'Installation';
$lang['Atlas_Basic_Settings'] = 'Basic Settings';
$lang['Atlas_Initial_Settings'] = 'Override Default';
$lang['Atlas_Initial_Settings_Explain'] = 'Above you set the default map view. Here you can apply two exceptions when the initial map view is determined by more sophisticated methods. If you apply both, the most appropriate method will be chosen in each case.';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_zoom_to_user'] = 'Center on user';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_zoom_to_user_explain'] = 'The map will be centered to the user viewing it but the default zoom value and the default map type are kept. If Anonymous views the map defaults apply.';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_to_auto'] = 'Auto-Modus';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_to_auto_explain'] = 'This will determine the map view that shows all users at once but the default map type will be kept. This only works if there is more than one &ldquo;bubble&rdquo; on the map.';
$lang['Atlas_find_coordinates_admin_explain'] = 'This map shows the <strong>default map view</strong>. The same section of the map will be shown if no other condition makes more sense for the user. That might be when the map is called by an user depending on the settings you choose below.<br />
<strong>Changing this map will change the default map view.</strong>';
$lang['Atlas_size'] = 'Map Size';
$lang['Atlas_size_explain'] = 'Height x Width in pixels';
$lang['Atlas_controls'] = 'Map Controls';

$lang['Atlas_google_api_key'] = 'Google API Key';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_explain'] = 'The key that allows you to use the Google API. You can get your key <a href="http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html">here</a> using <strong>%s</strong> as url. After setting this key you have to save these setting first before the map preview below will start working.';
$lang['Atlas_controls'] = 'Map Controls';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_admin'] = 'Google API Key for Admin Panel';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_admin_explain'] = 'Use the procedure described above to obtain a second API key for the URL <strong>%sadmin/</strong>.';

$lang['Atlas_Install_google_api_key_explain'] = 'Enter <strong>%s</strong> as url on http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html.';
$lang['Atlas_Install_google_api_key_admin_explain'] = 'Use the procedure described above to obtain a second API key for the URL <strong>%sadmin/</strong>.';
$lang['Atlas_controls_explain'] = 'On the right you can set which controls (pan, zoom, etc.) are shown on the map. The effect of your changes will be previewed in the map below.<br />
<em>Large Map Control</em> is a relatively big set of controls as on Google Maps,<br />
<em>Small Map Control</em> is a smaller set of controls as on Google Local,<br />
<em>Small Zoom Control</em> only contains a control for zooming<br />
<em>Map Type Control</em> allows to switch between different modes such as Map or Satellite.';
$lang['Atlas_control_glmc'] = 'Large Map Control';
$lang['Atlas_control_gsmc'] = 'Small Map Control';
$lang['Atlas_control_gszc'] = 'Small Zoom Control';
$lang['Atlas_control_gmtc'] = 'Map Type Control';
$lang['Atlas_distance_unit'] = 'Distance Unit';
$lang['Atlas_km'] = 'km';
$lang['Atlas_mi'] = 'mi';

$lang['Atlas_Install_key_error'] = '<span style="color:red">Please enter the API key for the URL <strong>%s</strong> here.</span>';

$lang['Click_return_atlasmod_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Atlas Mod Configuration';
$lang['Atlas_mod_installed'] = 'You finished the installation of Atlas Mod.';

İletiTarih: 28.03.2006, 17:14
Kimse el atabildimi anacim?

İletiTarih: 28.03.2006, 17:50
Birkaç basit yeri türkçeleştirdim

Kod: Tümünü seç
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Atlas Mod
$lang['GMap'] = 'Harita';
$lang['GMap_not_compatible'] = 'İnternet tarayıcınız atlas modu için uygun değil.Lütfe Firefox/Mozilla, IE 5.5+ or Safari 1.2+. kullanın.';
$lang['GMap_Please_log_in'] = '<strong>Kullanıcıları/kordinatları görmek için giriş yapın</strong>';
$lang['GMap_called_offline'] = 'The Google API could not be called. Make sure that you call this page with an active online connection only.';
$lang['GMap_find_coordinates'] = 'Kordinatlarını Bul';
$lang['GMap_find_coordinates_explain'] = 'Please locate your location on the map as close as possible and select <em>choose this as my location</em> from the context menu.';
$lang['GMap_set_this_location'] = 'burayı yerim olarak ayarlar';
$lang['GMap_latitude'] = 'Latitude';
$lang['GMap_longitude'] = 'Longitude';
$lang['GMap_distance'] = 'Distance';
$lang['GMap_your_location'] = 'Yeriniz';
$lang['GMap_Distance_to_xyz'] = 'Distance to &ldquo;%s&rdquo;';
$lang['Atlas_Show_user_on_map'] = 'Please set your coordinates to be able to see your distance to %s.';
$lang['AtlasError_not_finished_install'] = 'The installation of Atlas Mod is not completed. Please return in a few minutes.<br /><br />If you are the administrator of this board, please finish the installation in the section Atlas Mod of the Admin Panel.';
$lang['AtlasError_wrong_xml_parameter'] = 'The wrong parameters were send to collect XML information.';

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# You may have to make similar changes as the following in other language files as well


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$lang['Login_reset_time_explain'] = 'Time in minutes the user have to wait until he is allowed to login again after exceeding the number of allowed login attempts.';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Atlas Mod
$lang['Atlas_Mod'] = 'Atlas MOD';
$lang['Atlas_Settings'] = 'Atlas Ayarları';
$lang['Atlas_Settings_explain'] = 'Here you can modify the appearance and behaviour of the user atlas of your forum.';
$lang['Atlas_Installation_explain'] = 'As a final step for installing Atlas MOD you need to obtain API keys from Google. To do this please visit <a href="http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html">http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html</a> and follow the instruction on the page. Please do not forget to read and understand the Terms of Service.';
$lang['Atlas_Installation'] = 'Yükleme';
$lang['Atlas_Basic_Settings'] = 'Basit Ayarlar';
$lang['Atlas_Initial_Settings'] = 'Override Default';
$lang['Atlas_Initial_Settings_Explain'] = 'Above you set the default map view. Here you can apply two exceptions when the initial map view is determined by more sophisticated methods. If you apply both, the most appropriate method will be chosen in each case.';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_zoom_to_user'] = 'Center on user';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_zoom_to_user_explain'] = 'The map will be centered to the user viewing it but the default zoom value and the default map type are kept. If Anonymous views the map defaults apply.';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_to_auto'] = 'Auto-Modus';
$lang['Atlas_Override_init_to_auto_explain'] = 'This will determine the map view that shows all users at once but the default map type will be kept. This only works if there is more than one &ldquo;bubble&rdquo; on the map.';
$lang['Atlas_find_coordinates_admin_explain'] = 'This map shows the <strong>default map view</strong>. The same section of the map will be shown if no other condition makes more sense for the user. That might be when the map is called by an user depending on the settings you choose below.<br />
<strong>Changing this map will change the default map view.</strong>';
$lang['Atlas_size'] = 'Harita Büyüklüğü';
$lang['Atlas_size_explain'] = 'Yükseklik x Genişlik';
$lang['Atlas_controls'] = 'Harita Kontrolleri';

$lang['Atlas_google_api_key'] = 'Google API Anahtarı';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_explain'] = 'The key that allows you to use the Google API. You can get your key <a href="http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html">here</a> using <strong>%s</strong> as  url. After setting this key you have to save these setting first before the map preview below will start working.';
$lang['Atlas_controls'] = 'Harita Ayarları';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_admin'] = 'Google API Anahtarı Yönetim Paneli';
$lang['Atlas_google_api_key_admin_explain'] = 'Use the procedure described above to obtain a second API key for the URL <strong>%sadmin/</strong>.';

$lang['Atlas_Install_google_api_key_explain'] = 'Enter <strong>%s</strong> as url on http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html.';
$lang['Atlas_Install_google_api_key_admin_explain'] = 'Use the procedure described above to obtain a second API key for the URL <strong>%sadmin/</strong>.';
$lang['Atlas_controls_explain'] = 'On the right you can set which controls (pan, zoom, etc.) are shown on the map. The effect of your changes will be previewed in the map below.<br />
<em>Large Map Control</em> is a relatively big set of controls as on Google Maps,<br />
<em>Small Map Control</em> is a smaller set of controls as on Google Local,<br />
<em>Small Zoom Control</em> only contains a control for zooming<br />
<em>Map Type Control</em> allows to switch between different modes such as Map or Satellite.';
$lang['Atlas_control_glmc'] = 'Geniş Harita Kontrolü';
$lang['Atlas_control_gsmc'] = 'Küçük Harita Kontrolü';
$lang['Atlas_control_gszc'] = 'Küçük Zoom Kontrolü';
$lang['Atlas_control_gmtc'] = 'Harita Tipi Kontrolü';
$lang['Atlas_distance_unit'] = 'Distance Unit';
$lang['Atlas_km'] = 'km';
$lang['Atlas_mi'] = 'mi';

$lang['Atlas_Install_key_error'] = '<span style="color:red">Please enter the API key for the URL <strong>%s</strong> here.</span>';

$lang['Click_return_atlasmod_config'] = '%sBuraya%s tıklayarak atlas modunun ayarlarına geri dönün';
$lang['Atlas_mod_installed'] = 'Atlas Mod Yüklendi';

İletiTarih: 29.03.2006, 12:17
tesekkürler anacim