1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

[İstek] Topic Description V1.14.5

İletiTarih: 09.04.2006, 12:03
## MOD Title: topic description
## MOD Author: Swizec < swizec@swizec.com > (N/A) http://www.swizec.com
## MOD Description: Fresh installation of topic description v1.14.5. Check history.txt and readme.txt for more information.
## MOD Version: 1.14.5


Kod: Tümünü seç
// mod topic description add
$lang['allow_desc'] = 'Allow descriptions';
$lang['mods_desc'] = 'Only mods add descriptions';
$lang['desc_settings'] = 'Description settings';
$lang['Descriptions'] = 'Descriptions';
$lang['Click_return_descconfig'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Descriptions configuration';
$lang['user_allowdesc'] = 'Can post topic descriptions';
$lang['user_allowmoddesc'] = 'Can post topic descriptions for mods';
$lang['desc_settings_explain'] = 'Edit the options about topic descriptions';
$lang['permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['guestdesc'] = 'Guests can add descriptions';
$lang['guestmoddesc'] = 'Guests can add mod only descriptions';
$lang['disallowed_seedesc'] = 'Users who are not allowed to use descriptions can see them';
$lang['tooltips'] = 'Tooltips';
$lang['tooltips_show'] = 'Enable topic tooltips';
$lang['tooltips_static'] = 'Tooltips are static';
$lang['tooltips_parse'] = 'Parse tooltips as normal posts';
$lang['desc'] = 'Description';
$lang['moddesc'] = 'ModDescription';
$lang['tooltip'] = 'Tooltip';
$lang['desc_length'] = 'Description max. length';
$lang['desc_tolink'] = 'All descriptions show as a link to the starters profile. This obbeys permissions.';
$lang['desc_linkforce'] = 'All descriptions are turned into a link. This overrides permissions.';
$lang['desc_linkempty'] = 'All empty descriptions are turned into links.';
$lang['toolimg_size'] = 'Maximum size of images in tooltips. <b>Note: </b>For now images have been disabled';
$lang['desc_prev'] = 'All descriptions show as the first %d chars of first post. This overrides permissions.';
$lang['desc_parse'] = 'Description parsing';
$lang['desc_html'] = 'Allow HTML parsing within descriptions';
$lang['desc_bbcode'] = 'Allow BBCode parsing within descriptions';
$lang['desc_smile'] = 'Allow smiley parsing withing descriptions';
$lang['desc_bbcode_hatelist'] = 'Input BBCode tags that you do not wish to be parsed in descriptions and tooltips, separated by a space';
$lang['desc_bbcode_remove'] = 'Completely remove BBCode that is in the hatelist';
$lang['desc_tooltips_maxpostize'] = 'Maximum length of post preview in tooltips';
$lang['desc_tooltips_modify'] = 'To modify the way tooltips with previews look and behave you should edit the file template/<your template>/preview_tooltip_params.cfg.<br />There you can set many options from the color scheme to placement. For a list of options you should go <a href="http://www.walterzorn.com/tooltip/tooltip_e.htm" target="_blank">here</a><br />Please do not meddle with the T_STICKY option, it might give unexpected results as it is already set through the ACP / UCP.';

Kod: Tümünü seç
// mod topic description: add
$lang['Description'] = 'Description: ';
$lang['desc4mod'] = 'Description only for moderators';
$lang['show_descriptions'] = 'Show topic descriptions';
$lang['show_tooltips'] = 'Show topic tooltips';
$lang['show_tooltips_explain'] = 'Tooltips show additional information about the topic';
$lang['tooltips_parse'] = 'Parse tooltips';
$lang['tooltips_parse_explain'] = 'Shows images and links';
$lang['tooltips_static'] = 'Tooltips are static';
$lang['tooltips_static_explain'] = 'Tooltips don\'t move with the mouse and can be clicked';
$lang['toolimg_size'] = 'Maximum size of images in tooltips';
$lang['first_post'] = 'First post';
$lang['last_post'] = 'Last post';
$lang['Desc_charleft1'] = 'You have ';
$lang['Desc_charleft2'] = ' characters left.';


Cvp: [İstek] Topic Description V1.14.5

İletiTarih: 09.04.2006, 20:26
sabri ünal
eğer tercüme eden olmamışsa ben 72 saat sonra tercümeyi eklerim, eğer yapan olmuşsa, bir kısmını dahi tercüme etmişse eklesin...

birlikte yapmış olalım :)

project started :flame:

Cvp: [İstek] Topic Description V1.14.5

İletiTarih: 09.04.2006, 20:31
sabri ünal yazdı:eğer tercüme eden olmamışsa ben 72 saat sonra tercümeyi eklerim, eğer yapan olmuşsa, bir kısmını dahi tercüme etmişse eklesin...

birlikte yapmış olalım :)

project started :flame:

Sağol :wink: