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[İSTEK]Point system

İletiTarih: 16.11.2005, 14:19
Mod İsmi : point system
Mod Sürümü : 2.1.1
Yazarı : Robbie Shields
Mod Sitesi: http://www.robbieshields.net
Mod İndirme Linki: İndirmek İçin Tıklayın

Kod: Tümünü seç
// Points System MOD - Admin
$lang['Points_updated']   = 'Puan konfigürasyon başarılı biçimde güncelledi';
$lang['Click_return_points'] = 'Puan Konfigürasyona Dönmek İçin %Burayı%s Tıklayın';
$lang['Points_config_explian'] = 'The form below will allow you to edit your point system configuration.';
$lang['Points_sys_settings'] = 'Puan Sistemi Ayarları';
$lang['Points_disabled'] = 'Kapalı %s';
$lang['Points_enable_post']= 'Earn %s by posting';
$lang['Points_enable_browse'] = 'Earn %s by browsing';
$lang['Points_enable_donation'] = 'Bağışı Aktif Et';
$lang['Points_name'] = 'Points Name';
$lang['Points_per_reply'] = 'Points Per Reply';
$lang['Points_per_topic'] = 'Points Per New Topic';
$lang['Points_per_page'] = 'Points Per Page';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth'] = 'Authorized Groups';
$lang['Points_enable_post_explain']   = 'Let users earn %s by posting new topics and replies';
$lang['Points_enable_browse_explain']      = 'Let users earn %s by browsing the forums';
$lang['Points_enable_donation_explain']   = 'Let users donate %s to their friends';
$lang['Points_name_explain'] = 'Whatever you call your points on your board e.g. (money, gil, gold)';
$lang['Points_per_reply_explain'] = 'The amount of %s they earn per reply';
$lang['Points_per_topic_explain'] = 'The amount of %s they earn per new topic';
$lang['Points_per_page_explain'] = 'The amount of %s they earn for each page they view';
$lang['Points_user_group_auth_explain'] = 'Enter ids of groups who are authorized to access the points control panel, one id

per line.';
$lang['Allow_Points'] = 'Use the Points System?';
$lang['Points_reset'] = 'Reset everyone\'s Points';
$lang['Points_reset_explain'] = 'Input a number and submit. Everyone\'s points will become the number you entered.';


// Points System MOD
$lang['Points_cp'] = 'Points Control Panel';
$lang['Points_sys']   = 'Points System';
$lang['Points_donation'] = 'Points Donation';
$lang['Points_method'] = 'Method';
$lang['Points_donate'] = '%sDonate%s';
$lang['Points_add_subtract'] = 'Add or subtract %s';
$lang['Points_amount'] = 'Amount';
$lang['Points_give_take'] = 'Amount of %s to give or take';
$lang['Points_give'] = 'Amount of %s to give';
$lang['Add'] = 'Add';
$lang['Subtract'] = 'Subtract';
$lang['Points_donate_to'] = 'The person you want to donate %s to';
$lang['Points_no_username']   = 'No username entered.';
$lang['Points_not_admin'] = 'You are not allowed to admin the points system.';
$lang['Points_cant_take'] = 'You can\'t take away that amount of %s from this user.'; //*
$lang['Points_thanks_donation']   = 'Thanks for your donation.';
$lang['Click_return_points_donate']   = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Points Donation';
$lang['Points_cant_donate']   = 'You can\'t donate that amount of %s to this user.';
$lang['Points_cant_donate_self'] = 'You can\'t donate %s to yourself.';
$lang['Points_user_donation_off'] = 'User donation is not enabled.';
$lang['Click_return_pointscp'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Points Control Panel';
$lang['Points_user_updated'] = 'The user\'s %s has been updated successfully.';
$lang['Points_mass_edit'] = 'Mass Edit Usernames';
$lang['Points_mass_edit_explain'] = 'Enter one username per line.';
$lang['Points_notify'] = 'Always notify me of %s donations';
$lang['Points_notify_explain'] = 'Sends an e-mail when someone donates %s to you';
$lang['Points_enter_some_donate'] = 'Enter some %s to donate.';

İletiTarih: 16.11.2005, 18:09
Bugün bakmaya çalışacağım...

Bitirince bu mesajı değiştirerek gerekli dosyayı eklerim...

İletiTarih: 17.11.2005, 09:26
sevinirim dostum saol

İletiTarih: 17.11.2005, 22:43
Afedersin dostum...

Teknik problemlerden dolayı yapamayacağım...

İletiTarih: 18.11.2005, 16:33
yani beklemeyeyimmi ?

İletiTarih: 18.11.2005, 18:59
Hiç bekleme bence :(

İletiTarih: 19.11.2005, 09:22
desene iş başa düştü yine

İletiTarih: 19.11.2005, 21:46
Evet aynen öyle aslında iki dakkalık işte bazıları beğenmiyor çalışmamı... :(


Ahanda gönül dayanır mı?


İletiTarih: 20.11.2005, 01:18
begenmeyen oturup kendi yapar dostum ne sorun ediyorsunki ha varsa bir yanlışlık hep beraber üstünden geçeriz bir daha teşekkür ederim indiriyorum kontrol edecegim tekrar çok thanks