1 sayfadan 1. sayfa

Konu Başlangıç Tarihi

İletiTarih: 26.11.2005, 23:56
Bu mod ile viewforum sayfasında konu yazarının ismi altında konuyu açtığı tarihi gösterebilirsiniz.

## Mod Title: Topic Started Date
## Mod Version: 1.0.0 Final
## Author: Keyser - keyser@silkeborg1.dk
## Description: Shows the time a topic was created in forumview
## under authorname.
## Installation Level: Extremely Easy
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: 3
## viewforum.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## templates/subSilver/viewforum_body.tpl
## Included Files: None
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All
## Files Related To This MOD
## Revision History:
## v1.0.0
## - Initial Release and Final.

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]----------------------------------------
'FIRST_POST_TIME' => $first_post_time,

#-----[ AFTER ADD ]-----------------------------------
'L_TOPIC_STARTED' => $lang['Topic_started'],

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]----------------------------------------
// That's all, Folks!

#-----[ BEFORE ADD ]----------------------------------
// Topic Started Date
$lang['Topic_started'] = 'Topic started';

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]----------------------------------------
<td class="row3" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="name">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR}</span></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------
<td class="row3" align="center" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="name">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR}</span><br /><span class="postdetails">{topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}</span></td>

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------