PM Cevaplama Mod

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PM Cevaplama Mod

İleti CeNK 27.11.2005, 05:59

PM cevaplarken cevaplama ekranında alt bölümde cevaplanan orj. metin görünür. Bilmem anlatabildimmi:)
## MOD Title: View PM while replying
## MOD Author: Manipe < > (N/A)
## MOD Description: Lets you see the PM you're replying to just below the input box, very like the topic review when replying to topics.
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute
## Files To Edit:
## privmsg.php
## Included Files: N/A
## License: GNU General Public License v2
## For security purposes, please check:
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at
## Author Notes:
## Made by request from this topic:
## MOD History:
## 2005-09-20 - Version 1.0.0
## - First version, seems to work fine.
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$mode = 'reply';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// View PM while replying MOD, By Manipe
if ( $mode == 'reply' )
// Get individual PM settings re html, smilies
$sql = "SELECT privmsgs_enable_html, privmsgs_enable_smilies
WHERE privmsgs_id = $privmsg_id";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain private message for editing', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

if ( !($privmsg_config = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
redirect(append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?folder=$folder", true));

$privmsg_bbcode_uid = $privmsg['privmsgs_bbcode_uid'];

$reply_message = $privmsg['privmsgs_text'];
$reply_subject = $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'];

if ( !$board_config['allow_html'] || !$userdata['user_allowhtml'])
if ( $privmsg_config['privmsgs_enable_html'] )
$reply_message = preg_replace('#(<)([\/]?.*?)(>)#is', "&lt;\\2&gt;", $reply_message);

if ( $privmsg_bbcode_uid != '' )
$reply_message = ( $board_config['allow_bbcode'] ) ? bbencode_second_pass($reply_message, $privmsg_bbcode_uid) : preg_replace('/\:[0-9a-z\:]+\]/si', ']', $reply_message);

$reply_message = make_clickable($reply_message);

$orig_word = array();
$replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word);

if ( count($orig_word) )
$reply_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $reply_subject);
$reply_message = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $reply_message);

if ( $board_config['allow_smilies'] && $privmsg_config['privmsgs_enable_smilies'] )
$reply_message = smilies_pass($reply_message);

$reply_message = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $reply_message);

'pm_review' => 'posting_topic_review.tpl')
'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['From'],
'L_MESSAGE' => $lang['Private_Message'],
'L_POSTED' => $lang['Sent'],
'L_POST_SUBJECT' => $lang['Subject'])
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array(
'ROW_COLOR' => '#' . $theme['td_color1'],
'ROW_CLASS' => $theme['td_class1'],

'MINI_POST_IMG' => $images['icon_minipost'],
'POSTER_NAME' => $to_username,
'POST_DATE' => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $privmsg['privmsgs_date'], $board_config['board_timezone']),
'POST_SUBJECT' => $reply_subject,
'MESSAGE' => $reply_message,

'L_MINI_POST_ALT' => $lang['Message'])
$template->assign_var_from_handle('TOPIC_REVIEW_BOX', 'pm_review');
// View PM while replying MOD, By Manipe

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM[/syntax]
Kullanıcı avatarı
İleti: 584
Kayıt: 01.11.2005, 15:21
Konum: İstanbul

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